Visit field locations in Yirol, Lakes State to improve CCCM project output indicators.

In the last Quarter of 2019 and the 1st Quarter of 2020, episodes of inter-communal violence and heavy rains have resulted to flooding and displacement of people hence large-scale humanitarian needs in Yirol East region. The displacement results to creation of camp like setting for IPD sites and settlements. This aspect determines the need to adopt CCCM in Yirol East IPD sites.

AFOD CCCM tam Visited some of the payams to coordinate, strengthen and implement CCCM in collective sites and camp settings for internally displace persons (IDPs) in Yirol East sites of Adior, Malaek, Nyang Town, Pagarau and Tin Agau in Lakes State, South Sudan.

Distribution of WASH NFIs by Caritas in Pagarau Payam, Yirol East County
Distribution of WASH NFIs by Caritas in Pagarau Payam

About the Author


M&E ICT Administrator for Action for Development in South Sudan

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