Fishing impact assessment Training in Wau, WBGS 2019.

AFOD trained volunteers from different targeted Bomas of Wau south about the fishing impacts assessment tool and data collection on date 3rd September 2019. The training conducted covered the following topics:

  1. Beneficiaries questionnaire which includes; Household information, Fishing kits acquisition use, relevance and quality, Fishing operations, Fishing
  2. Fishing gears and fish production, post fishing harvest, environmental impacts and climate change on fishing activities in the area. 
  3. Key informant questionnaire or Fishing expert/Government official regarding the locations where fishing activities is carrying out whether permanent fishing ground,  seasonal fishing ground and No fishing ground
  4. Focus group discussion questionnaire Guide on impacts of fishing kits distribution
  5. Key informant questionnaire for inputs trader on impacts of fishing kits distributed by FAO/partner related to fishing inputs trader

The training purpose was to enhance the volunteer knowledge, to be familiar with the questionnaires.

In order to guide them on how improve on quality data collection on fishing activities within the respective Bomas.

Prepared by: Field Extension

Luka Juma

About the Author


M&E ICT Administrator for Action for Development in South Sudan

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