Livestock Show and Agriculture Exhibition Wau

AFOD Wau FSL team attended a two days’ livestock show and Agriculture exhibition which was graced by the minister of agriculture at the national level, governor of Wau state, minister of agriculture Wau state, FAO representative in South Sudan and UN delegation.

On 29th October, farmers came with sheep and goats. The judges looked at the animal’s color, their movements, and how they stand. On the second day, which was 30th, farmers came with cattle and the judges also carried out the same observations as of the previous day. The farmers with the best animals were declared and awarded prizes afterward. Later, inspections of the agricultural products from the beneficiaries from respective areas of operation were done by FAO representatives headed by the area coordinator. AFOD beneficiaries from Agok and New Site also had a chance to display their products during the show.

About the Author


M&E ICT Administrator for Action for Development in South Sudan

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