
Rapid need Assessment in Tali County, Terekeka State

AFOD South Sudan together with other partners participated in the Rapid need assessment led by UN OCHA. This was carried out between 11 and 20 September 2019 in Tali County covering six of the seven payams.

AFOD being the focal nutrition partner on ground took lead in conducting nutrition assessment. The assessment was undertaken due to population movements (estimated 7000 – 10000 IDPs moved to Tali and Tindilo Counties from Amadi State) between July and August 2019. 

Objectives of assessment

  • To determine the nutrition status of children 6-59 months in the IDPs and host population points from Tali and Tindilo Counties.
  •  To assess the OTP and TSFP coverage in Tali and Tindilo Counties for optimum coverage
  • To determine mitigating measures for the assessment findings


  • Poor road network. Inadequate roads, broken bridges hindering movement of aid workers.
  • Inadequate communication channels hindering coordination among the Aid workers and Donors.

About the Author


M&E ICT Administrator for Action for Development in South Sudan

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