Community Engagement Meeting at Lokoloko in Wau.

AFOD SS, Wau staff got engaged in a meeting with members from Lokoloko Collective Center (Western Bar_El_Gazel, South Sudan) to discuss the challenges faced within and outside the center and develop possible solutions. Among others discussed was the need for Non Financial Items (NFIs) like bed sheets, blankets and Mosquito nets in kind.

The collective center is neighbouring a stream which harbours reptiles like snakes, insects like Mosquitoes, Flies, etc. If the reptiles, insects and other organisms find their way to the center, it can cause health related illnesses and also dangerous to children and adults during the day and night.

As such the locals have requested Torches from the partners to aid vision at night, NFI’s and also encourage the local community to clear the surrounding to reduce the breeding ground for the organisms.

About the Author


M&E ICT Administrator for Action for Development in South Sudan

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