AFOD SS and other partners commemorate the 4th African School Feeding Day in Juba South Sudan.

Action for Development (AFOD SS) together with other partners and Ministry of General Education in collaboration with WFP commemorated “The African Day of School Feeding “on 22nd February 2019 at Gudele East Primary School, in Juba South Sudan. The theme was

Investing in Home-Grown School Feeding: GFO90 towards Quality Education, Zero Hunger and Resilient Africa

The African Day of School Feeding was instituted by the Assembly of Heads of States and Governments during the 26th African Union Summit in January 2016 to recognise the role of Home-Grown School Feeding plays in enhancing retention and performance of children in schools and boosting income generation in communities. School feeding is one of the solutions in most African countries to help vulnerable children to have access to quality education in a safe conducive environment.  South Sudan joined the rest of the world in celebrating this occasion and through this, the Government of South Sudan and Humanitarian partners committed to supporting initiatives towards promoting home grown school feeding and ensuring disadvantaged and vulnerable communities have access to quality education.

About the Author


M&E ICT Administrator for Action for Development in South Sudan

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