Machok thrives following the success of nutrition program in Wau, WBGS. 2019

Machok, a boy of 6 months was brought by his mother and admitted to the nutrition program for treatment on 8th August 2018 at Sika Hadid PHCC, Wau, South Sudan. According to the mother, Machok was not breastfed since he was born but was fed only on cow’s milk.

The nutrition staff screened and assessed the boy for malnutrition before admission, Machok was tasted, with a MUAC of 8.5, a weight of 3kg, and a height of 58.9 cm. He passed the appetite test and was admitted to the OTP program.

The mother was counselled on the need to breastfeed, hygiene and how to feed Machok on the RUTF and other foods. She was advised to bring the child weekly for follow up, monitoring and review.

On the third follow-up day, and upon assessment, Machok greatly improved and gained MUAC of 10.1cm and a weight of 4.3kg. The mother was educated on hygiene, breastfeeding, and feeding the child of other foods. The mother of Machok had hopes that her son would survive and she followed all instructions given by the health workers. On the sixth visit, Machok gained MUAC of 11.6cm, a weight of 5.3kg, and a height of 60.4cm and was transferred to the TSFP program within the facility managed by AFOD.

Machok’s mother was very happy and appreciated the staff for care provided to her child. She was further educated on hygiene, breastfeeding, how to give the RUSF and when to return. Finally, he was discharged fully recovered.

About the Author


M&E ICT Administrator for Action for Development in South Sudan

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